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Publishing with MEDSUM

One of the main purposes of MEDSUM is to generate data for literature reviews. This could be for review papers, grant applications, the Introduction/Discussion sections of data papers, or even on-line summaries. see some examples here:

Fortney K & Jurisica I. (2011) Integrative computational biology for cancer research. Human Genetics 130(4), 465-481
Available from:

Zaidi H. (2011). An outlook on future design of hybrid PET/MRI systems. Med. Phys. 38, 5667-5689
Available from:

Schambach SJ, Bag S, Schilling L, Groden C, Brockmann MA. (2010) Application of micro-CT in small animal imaging. Methods. 2010 Jan;50(1):2-13. Epub 2009 Aug 23. Review.
Available from:

Menon S. (2009) Pulmonary hypertension in the south east Asia region: An analysis of indexed publication profile. PVRI Review [serial online] 2009 [cited 2010 Jul 14];1:167-72.
Available from:
[whole paper based on MEDSUM-generated data]

If you include information generated by MEDSUM in your published works, please be so good as to cite this resource.

You can cite it as:
"MEDSUM: an online MEDLINE summary tool by Galsworthy, MJ. Hosted by the Institute of Biomedical Informatics (IBMI), Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. URL:"

MEDSUM was also reviewed in BioTechniques, Vol. 47, No. 1, July 2009, p.577. Read about it here.